Hey all Have a Pulumi Output array of objects (ro...
# python
Hey all Have a Pulumi Output array of objects (route53 hosted_zones) that looks like this:
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~ hosted_zones: [
      ~ [0]: {
                arn              : "arn:aws:route53:::hostedzone/Z06813069DDF4BVP5B49"
                comment          : "Hosted Zone for <http://env.example.com|env.example.com>"
                force_destroy    : false
                id               : "Z06813069DDF4BVP5B49"
                name             : "<http://env.example.com|env.example.com>"
                name_servers     : [
                    [0]: "<http://ns-1074.awsdns-09.org|ns-1074.awsdns-09.org>"
                    [1]: "<http://ns-1944.awsdns-52.co.uk|ns-1944.awsdns-52.co.uk>"
                    [2]: "<http://ns-475.awsdns-53.com|ns-475.awsdns-53.com>"
                    [3]: "<http://ns-948.awsdns-52.net|ns-948.awsdns-52.net>"
                tags_all         : {
                    provisioner: "pulumi"
                urn              : "urn:pulumi:all::shared::aws:route53/zone:Zone::<http://env.example.com|env.example.com>"
                zone_id          : "Z06813069DDF4BVP5B49"
      ~ [1]: {
                arn              : "arn:aws:route53:::hostedzone/Z05663573HLFBZ66YBFM2"
                comment          : "Hosted Zone for env.example.link"
                force_destroy    : false
                id               : "Z05663573HLFBZ66YBFM2"
                name             : "env.example.link"
                name_servers     : [
                    [0]: "<http://ns-1311.awsdns-33.org|ns-1311.awsdns-33.org>"
                    [1]: "<http://ns-1733.awsdns-22.co.uk|ns-1733.awsdns-22.co.uk>"
                    [2]: "<http://ns-191.awsdns-21.com|ns-191.awsdns-21.com>"
                    [3]: "<http://ns-786.awsdns-36.net|ns-786.awsdns-36.net>"
                tags_all         : {
                    provisioner: "pulumi"
                urn              : "urn:pulumi:all::shared::aws:route53/zone:Zone::env.example.link"
                zone_id          : "Z05663573HLFBZ66YBFM2"
I want to get, for example, the
My thought was to search the array for the index, for example, where
, in this case
and then get the the value of
at that index (similar to this https://stackoverflow.com/a/19868472) However, since this is a Pulumi Output object, I can’t iterate it like that:
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TypeError: 'Output' object is not iterable, consider iterating the underlying value inside an 'apply'
So I attempted to first convert the object to json, using a render function (which has worked for me when needing a Pulumi Output object as a string, like this https://stackoverflow.com/a/73558276/18101704) but that doesn’t work either:
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def get_shared_hosted_zones_to_string(shared_hosted_zones):
            return json.dumps(shared_hosted_zones)

        def get_zone_index(shared_hosted_zones_string, name):
            return next(index for index, element in enumerate(shared_hosted_zones_string)
                        if element["name"] == name)

        # For each domain, create Hosted Zone
        # i.e. (<http://uat.env.example.com|uat.env.example.com>, uat.env.example.link)
        for domain, name in domains.items():
            hosted_zone = route53.Zone(
                comment=f"Hosted Zone for {env_stack}.{domain_prefix}.{name}",

            shared_hosted_zones_string = Output.all(shared_hosted_zones).apply(
                lambda shared_hosted_zones: get_shared_hosted_zones_to_string(shared_hosted_zones))

            # select the hosted zone id where shared_hosted_zones.[].name == domain name
            # i.e. which object in the hosted_zones array has name : "<http://env.example.com|env.example.com>",
            #      because need to get that zone_id
            shared_hosted_zone = shared_hosted_zones_string[get_zone_index(
                shared_hosted_zones_string, domain_prefix + name)]
is of type Output though. I don’t fully understand how this works here, but not in this case? Any ideas?
you basically need to run the iteration inside an
Like this?:
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shared_hosted_zone_ids = Output.all(shared_hosted_zones).apply(
                lambda shared_hosted_zones: zone["zone_id"] for zone in shared_hosted_zones if zone["name"] == f"{domain_prefix}.{name}")
but still get
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TypeError: 'Output' object is not iterable, consider iterating the underlying value inside an 'apply'
it’s hard to follow the code a little, but if you’re getting that error you’re trying to iterate over an async value
ohhhhh, oh, right. Don’t iterate over an async value, within an async value. Got it, thanks! Sorry for asking, my bad.
no need to apologise for asking questions, tat’s why we’re here!