PR to bump `pulumi-cloudflare` to support Cloudfla...
# contribute
PR to bump
to support Cloudflare Pages now that upstream Terraform does
Were those resources just flat-out missing from the provider?
They only got added in Terraform in the last release or so, so there was nothing to map to, is my understanding.
The provider recently bumped the TF dependency though so they are now available -- this PR just maps them.
Yeah, I saw that. That's a mistake on our end. I'll alert the team to your PR.
What's the mistake? Not adding when the dependency was bumped?
No worries if so -- the TF change is literally only a few weeks old (if that)!
We're just literally about to deploy some pages so I figured worth a shot hacking them in
Yeah. There's env vars that should be set that will throw an exception if a resource is not mapped.
Oh interesting. That's a nice guard.
Yeah - we need to set them in GHA so that this stuff gets caught.
In the meanwhile, do you need to use a local version of the provider to get unstuck, and if so, do you need any help with that?
We're not blocked per se -- I was wary of doing something like that since I would guess it's a bit of effort, and if the PR is mergeable in the next week or so then it could be a bad use of time (all of this is hypothetical)
Well, if you are hot to trot, you can do
make provider
and then add the generated
to your PATH. Then do
make build_sdks
and link to the local copy of the SDK in your language of choice.
Ah I see -- so basically vendoring that SDK in our repo until we can point to a new release?
Yes, but you also need the provider binary in your path.
So it may not be totally feasible for shared development. I can see about getting a release out today.
No rush, honestly -- thanks for all the help, Josh!
You are most welcome, and thank you for your contribution!