Hello everybody! I am working on a tool called ng...
# google-cloud
Hello everybody! I am working on a tool called ng-deploy-universal. https://github.com/Dev-Thought/ng-deploy-universal/ It will help developer easy to create / delete their infrastructure. I am struggling a bit with gcp and would like to know where I can find a good example for following infrastructure: • staticDeployment • cdn creation and mapping • custom domain mapping to cdn So at the end I am searching for a piece of code like this example just only for gcp. https://github.com/pulumi/examples/tree/master/aws-ts-static-website Maybe I just can’t find the example in the pulumi repo. I hope you can help me!
Cdn in gcp is just some flags on frontend resources, on the console they consolidate it all in a single page, but there is no cdn resource
ok cool thx for the help! I will try it 😉
Hmm I even don’t get a staticEndpoint bucket to work
what would be my variable as output to get the url to the static endpoint?
it looks like that it worked somehow but not the website settings
hmm is it possible that google don’t provide this kind of feature without having an own custom domain?
Almost... you can only use Google's CDN with a L7 load balancer. That'll have an IP, you can point a domain to that or not.
Correcting what I said before, the flag is on the backend resource, not the frontend Frontend -> Url Mapping -> Backends (Compute or Bucket)
yes so in comparison with the aws or azure…this is not developer friendly…Pretty hard to provide the developer an easy way to test there code deployed. So the developer needs to point his own domain via cname entry to the bucket resource (describe by google in there docs)