anyone else get an error like `Error 403: Cloud SQ...
# google-cloud
anyone else get an error like
Error 403: Cloud SQL Admin API has not been used in project [REDACTED] before
except the project id in the error is in the wrong project? If i run
pulumi up
from local as myself, it deploys fine. If i run
pulumi up
from our CD environment AFTER i've deployed the database from my local, it deploys fine, and deploys other resources into the correct project. BUT if I run
pulumi up
from our CD environment following a Pulumi destroy, it gives me this error for the wrong project. I checked the service account I'm using and it has
Cloud SQL Admin
assigned in the correct project! I am rather flummoxed
try to give iam service account user role
to SA and try again and i hope this API
you enabled already.
I've definitely enabled it in the correct project 😅 I haven't enabled it in the wrong project, but i shouldnt have to -- I don't want to accidentally deploy to the wrong project. The service account also has service account user -- in the correct project at least.
I think its because cloudsql is serverless...cloudsql creates vpc peering from google managed VPC(where cloudsql instance launches by default) to your custom VPC...are you using service networking
thank you! Wow that's frustrating 😂
Guess I'll be enabling the API in the root project then 🥲
hopefully you resolve your issue now 🙂
Can confirm, this resolved my issue! Thanks for your help @helpful-hair-30515! 😁
👋 1
👍 1
glad it worked!!! kudos!!!