GCP Deployment flow | Advice needed Hi all, I'm s...
# google-cloud
GCP Deployment flow | Advice needed Hi all, I'm setting up a continuous deployment type flow at the moment with GCP and trying to get my head around where Pulumi fits into this. I have a fairly standard web-app where the frontend and backend have been split into separate projects. Traffic will be delegated via a GCP Load Balancer. I've also created a separate project
which contains my Pulumi script. Here's what my project structure looks like:
Copy code
- ops
- backend-app
- frontend-app
In production my architecture is essentially:
Copy code
-> AppEngine (frontend-app)
http request -> GCP LOAD BALANCER
                                       -> AppEngine (backend-app)
Flow-wise what I would like is: •
pulumi up
to create all GCP infrastructure from an empty project (including CloudBuild triggers). • Any time a change is pushed to the
branch of
a new AppEngine Version is created. Traffic is then migrated to this new Version. •
flow should work similarly to the
For CI I plan to use Cloud Build. In the docs it seems the intended approach is to run the Pulumi script from CloudBuild. I could do this, however I have a few concerns: 1. The Pulumi script is in the separate
project, and so I'd need to pull that project down from source control in a CloudBuild step. This is doable but doesn't seem ideal. 2. Pushes to the
branch in different projects will kick off multiple `pulumi up`'s at the same time - could this cause any race-condition type issues? 3. Is running
pulumi up
for the entire architecture for a single deploy too heavy handed? Could this introduce risk into the system? 4. This approach would require me to keep track of all project version numbers to ensure
pulumi up
is configured with the latest AppEngine version numbers. Where should I store these? 5. It doesn't seem like Pulumi automatically migrates traffic from one AppEngine version to a newer one. Would I need to do this as a separate build step? Any advice on my concerns, thinking, and approach would be much appreciated. I'm not sure whether this is the intended approach or if I'm missing something. Thanks!