also, does anyone know how to control the node cou...
# google-cloud
also, does anyone know how to control the node count in the new google-native pkg? it seems that there's only a setting for the initial node count
initial node count is all there is, if you want to scale the nodes automatically, you'll need to use a 3rd party mechanism like cluster autoscaler
I just wanted to control the node count manually, not automatically - from what I understand this is possible in the previous GCP package
am I missing something?
initial node count should do that, it's just named that way on the api presumably because they;re going to add node scaling at some point
so if you want 6 nodes, set initial nodes to 6
yes, on creation - but if you later want to update the node count (manually) this doesnt seem possible
I wonder if this is because the package is in preview status or it's not going to be supported at all
hmm, would you mind opening an issue for that
To better control the GKE cluster and node pool, you should set the initial count to 1 and remove_default_node_pool to true. Then build up a new separately managed node pool
☝️ 1
@fierce-potato-64763 this is for the GCP package and no longer available in Google Native pkg...
So, you can not create them separately there, similar to this example? That would be the GCP recommended way.
you can, but there's no option to set node count, past the initial creation
as far as I can see anyway
@sparse-butcher-73713 if you need to, you can create the cluster using google native, and use the gcp classic provider to atatch the nodepool to the cluster