Hi all, has anyone figured out a robust way to act...
# google-cloud
Hi all, has anyone figured out a robust way to activate GCP services with python? I still often run into this error: "Error creating Secret: googleapi: Error 403: Secret Manager API has not been used in project XXXXX before or it is disabled." using the following code: _enable_service = projects.Service(service_name, disable_dependent_services=True, project=project_id, service=service_api )
GCP APIs need explicitly enabled before they can be used
@quiet-wolf-18467 are you saying that GCP APIs need to be manually enabled from the GCP console/dashboard? that's a bit silly given pulumi is supposed to automate this stuff?
I am using the automation API to do this btw
This is a Google constraint.
It needs to be done once and by a human, to the best of my knowledge
Once per GCP project
You should be able to enable them using pulumi BUT you have to explicitly depend on them as this relationship cannot be discovered automatically.
Damn, I can see that we already discussed that @fast-arm-63150 😅
@prehistoric-activity-61023 yes we did 😄 Continuing to work on this
This function automates enabling apis in a project with pulumi:
Copy code
from pulumi import Config
import pulumi_google_native as gcp
import pulumi_gcp as gcp_classic

# Returns a map of the enabled apis for a given project
def enable_apis(project_name: str, api_list: list):
    """Method to bulk enable APIs in a given project

        project_name (str): The name of the Google Cloud Project to enable APIs in.
        api_list (list): The list of APIs to enable. Ex. ['<http://cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com|cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com>', '<http://cloudbilling.googleapis.com|cloudbilling.googleapis.com>', '<http://sqladmin.googleapis.com|sqladmin.googleapis.com>', '<http://servicenetworking.googleapis.com|servicenetworking.googleapis.com>']

        [dict]: A map of API name => Pulumi Object of the enabled APIs. Potentially useful to put in the `depends_on`
                section when deploying a resource.
                Ex. {
                    'cloudresourcemanager': Pulumi Object for Cloud Resource Manager API
    # TODO probably some data validity checks
    enabled_apis = dict()

    for api in api_list:
        api_name = api.split(".")[0]
        api_pulumi_ref = gcp_classic.projects.Service("Enable {} API in {}".format(api_name, project_name),
        enabled_apis[api_name] = api_pulumi_ref
    return enabled_apis
@tall-photographer-1935 hey thanks for this, my code is very similar except that I'm using the project_id instead of project_name according to the docs for Service: https://www.pulumi.com/registry/packages/gcp/api-docs/projects/service/
I still get those errors though - I remember @prehistoric-activity-61023 mentioning that he has to spin up 2 stacks in order to get around this?
I was able to do that within one stack (with explicit depends_on) but it was just cumbersome to manage so I decided to create 2 separate stacks (gcp-project-bootstrap and gcp-project).
👍 1
Yep, I had that same issue. Needed to add an explicit
in order to have the pulumi resource create after the api was enabled.
Hi all, as @prehistoric-activity-61023 had mentioned to me before, this does indeed work with depends_on @tall-photographer-1935 - thanks! NB @quiet-wolf-18467: GCP APIs need not be explicitly enabled with this method