How is a change on a resource that comes with helm...
# kubernetes
How is a change on a resource that comes with helm chart version update determined as replace or update?
We’re upgrading Istio and the change below appears as
in preview.
resource name
doesn’t change, therefore, we expect it to be updated, not replaced. Unfortunately, this takes down the ingress gateway and recreates with the changes unnecessarily as we tested. We don’t see the same behaviour with
helm template
but Pulumi.
Copy code
++kubernetes:apps/v1:Deployment: (create-replacement)
          ~ apiVersion: "extensions/v1beta1" => "apps/v1"
          ~ spec      : {
              + selector: {
                  + matchLabels: {
                      + app  : "istio-ingressgateway"
                      + istio: "ingressgateway"
              ~ template: {
                  ~ spec: {
                      ~ containers: [
                          ~ [0]: {
                                  ~ env  : [
                                      ~ [0]: {
                                              ~ name     : "POD_NAME" => "NODE_NAME"
                                              ~ valueFrom: {
                                                  ~ fieldRef: {
                                                      ~ fieldPath: "" => "spec.nodeName"
                                      ~ [1]: {
                                              ~ name     : "POD_NAMESPACE" => "POD_NAME"
                                              ~ valueFrom: {
                                                  ~ fieldRef: {
                                                      ~ fieldPath: "metadata.namespace" => ""
                                      ~ [2]: {
                                              ~ name     : "INSTANCE_IP" => "POD_NAMESPACE"
                                              ~ valueFrom: {
                                                  ~ fieldRef: {
                                                      ~ fieldPath: "status.podIP" => "metadata.namespace"
                                      ~ [3]: {
                                              ~ name     : "HOST_IP" => "INSTANCE_IP"
                                              ~ valueFrom: {
                                                  ~ fieldRef: {
                                                      ~ fieldPath: "status.hostIP" => "status.podIP"
                                      ~ [4]: {
                                              ~ name     : "ISTIO_META_POD_NAME" => "HOST_IP"
                                              ~ valueFrom: {
                                                  ~ fieldRef: {
                                                      ~ fieldPath: "" => "status.hostIP"
                                      ~ [5]: {
                                              ~ name     : "ISTIO_META_CONFIG_NAMESPACE" => "ISTIO_META_POD_NAME"
                                              ~ valueFrom: {
                                                  ~ fieldRef: {
                                                      + apiVersion: "v1"
                                                      ~ fieldPath : "metadata.namespace" => ""
                                      ~ [6]: {
                                              ~ name     : "ISTIO_META_ROUTER_MODE" => "ISTIO_META_CONFIG_NAMESPACE"
                                              - value    : "sni-dnat"
                                              + valueFrom: {
                                                  + fieldRef: {
                                                      + fieldPath: "metadata.namespace"
                                      + [7]: {
                                              + name : "ISTIO_META_ROUTER_MODE"
                                              + value: "sni-dnat"
                                  ~ image: "<|>" => "<|>"
There appears to be a lot of metadata changes
Yes. Why would that be a reason to replace, though?
I'm too new to all this to begin to guess, sorry.
👍 1