Hi, question on spinning up eks with some helm cha...
# kubernetes
Hi, question on spinning up eks with some helm charts. When I perform pulumi up, does pulumi up implementation waits for all pods to be running or failed or certain pod state before it exits? In other words, How does pulumi up command knows when to say it has completed its command execution.
Yes, Pulumi waits for resources to be ready before completing the update. See https://www.pulumi.com/blog/improving-kubernetes-management-with-pulumis-await-logic/ The readiness conditions are also documented for each resource in the API docs, e.g., https://www.pulumi.com/docs/reference/pkg/nodejs/pulumi/kubernetes/apps/v1/#Deployment
Thank you for reference @gorgeous-egg-16927. I had a one scenario where it might not have worked properly. 1. performed pulumi up (spin up eks with 5 no of nodes and few helm charts). verified all pods are ready. 2. updated the nodes to 0. performed pulumi up. everything went fine. It is kind of pause state. 3. updated the nodes back to 5 (kind of resume state). pulumi up completed quickly but pods were not in ready state. It took a minute (approx) for pods to get back in ready state. I am wondering why pulumi up in step 3 didn't wait for ready state.
It sounds like that might be a bug. If you can reproduce the issue, would you mind opening an issue on the pulumi-kubernetes repo?
ok sure. I will try to take screenshots so that it is clear.
Well.. @gorgeous-egg-16927 I am not able to repro it anymore. Last I tried in the month of feb and seen this happening multiple times. I will keep a watch and see if this happens again. Thanks.
👍 1