Hello, When I teardown, some of the load balancers...
# kubernetes
Hello, When I teardown, some of the load balancers created from helm charts is not cleaning up. It is not happening every time and highly inconsistent. Please advice.
What Helm chart, and what cloud, and what kind of load balancer? Do you see the resources claim they were successfully deleted in Pulumi, but remaining in the cloud? What does the Kubernetes cluster itself think the state is?
@white-balloon-205 thanks for responding. Here are the details: 1 cloud: aws eks 2. helm chart: 3. https://github.com/helm/charts/tree/master/stable/grafana 4. chart is creating the loadbalancer. 5. verified number of created resources and number of deleted resources are same from command line. Again, this is not consistent.
@white-balloon-205 Actually, it is pretty consistent with grafana chart. It doesn't delete the loadbalancer.
1. Does Pulumi tell you the Service is deleted? 2. Does Kubernetes tell you the Service is deleted? 3. Does AWS tell you the LoadBalancer is deleted? If Yes, Yes, No - then that is most likely a Kubernetes/EKS issue. If Yes, No, No - then that is most likely a Pulumi issue.