Hi there, Iā€™m setting up k8s on AWS EKS and exampl...
# kubernetes
Hi there, Iā€™m setting up k8s on AWS EKS and examples work fine, however I need to specify v1.6 or v1.7 - I could not find how to do this? Is it via the kubernetes plugin
If you're using the Pulumi EKS package you can set it using the
property: https://www.pulumi.com/docs/reference/pkg/nodejs/pulumi/eks/#ClusterOptions-version
Thanks @brave-planet-10645 this is very helpful
šŸ‘ 1
Iā€™m trying to set it up now šŸ™‚
If you have any more questions just drop them in here šŸ™‚
is this on the object model, or in the cli's `pulumi config set aws:version=1.7 - sorry bit confused maybe
Sorry @brave-planet-10645 - just wanted to spin up right version for Hyperledger Fabric
This will be an argument that you pass into the cluster resource
So something like
Copy code
const cluster = new eks.cluster("my-cluster", {
version: "1.7"