Hi guys, I am creating a cluster with fargate on a...
# kubernetes
Hi guys, I am creating a cluster with fargate on aws, with awsx and eks libraries. The issue is that my deployment is not deploying on fargate. I think it might be due to the namespace of fargate. If one create the cluster like this:
Copy code
const cluster = new eks.Cluster( clusterName,
    fargate: true,
    vpcId: vpc.id,
    publicSubnetIds: vpc.publicSubnetIds,
    privateSubnetIds: vpc.privateSubnetIds,
    deployDashboard: false,
    nodeAssociatePublicIpAddress: false,
    providerCredentialOpts: {},
    skipDefaultNodeGroup: true, ...
then fargate use the default namespace? Is there a way to access the fargateProfile when creating the fargate profile with
fargate: true
So, the cluster comes up ok and the
services (e.g. coredns) comes up ok? But then when you create a deployment it doesn’t show up at all? Or does it hang waiting for pods? Regarding the fargate profile, when you look at the EKS cluster in the AWS console and go to the Configuration tab and the Compute tab you should see the profile at the bottom of the page
coredns is showing but it indicates 0/2 pods and the deployment I create is not showing. Here the pulumi logs:
+  kubernetes:core/v1:Service my-app-svc creating [1/3] Finding Pods to direct traffic to
208 +  kubernetes:apps/v1:Deployment my-app-dep creating [1/2] Waiting for app ReplicaSet be marked available
209 +  kubernetes:apps/v1:Deployment my-app-dep creating [1/2] Waiting for app ReplicaSet be marked available (0/2 Pods available)
210 +  kubernetes:apps/v1:Deployment my-app-dep creating warning: [MinimumReplicasUnavailable] Deployment does not have minimum availability.
211 +  kubernetes:apps/v1:Deployment my-app-dep creating warning: [ProgressDeadlineExceeded] ReplicaSet "my-app-dep-bbd5g6ev-c88759cb6" has timed out progressing.
I don’t know how useful this is, but I just ran into this the other day where coredns was stuck waiting for pods. Originally, I was creating the VPC in using the
package and must have been missing something because when I switched to using the
package it set things up correctly. I have not gone back to figure out what I was doing wrong yet since I’m focused on more eks-related topics right now. I think it was because I forgot to set up the NAT or routing correctly for the private subnets. That all said, once coredns was launching correctly my app deployments launched fine.
ok thanks @witty-candle-66007 I’ll check this