Hi team, am I missing something or is there no way...
# kubernetes
Hi team, am I missing something or is there no way to pass in helm values in a yaml file, like you would with the helm cli? Ie. Using a remote chart but passing in my own values.yaml via '--values' parameters. It seems convoluted and difficult to manage to have to turn my simple(ish) yaml file into a c# dictionary to override the default values of the chart...
not as far as i know. TBH i take value files, throw them in here https://onlineyamltools.com/convert-yaml-to-json and paste the result in my TS code 😉
seems you can go to c# as well https://jsonformatter.org/yaml-to-csharp
Thanks Roderik, I guess that's going to be some of the key differences between the different languages with pulumi - formatting of such content. If we stick with c# we may need to find or build something more specific (or take the hit and just use c# directly). FYI that online converter for c# made classes rather than a dictionary which is that pulumi expects.
i assume you can also read the yaml file in c# and parse it
you can absolutely read in a yaml file from disk, you have all the power of your chosen language