(Second question in separate message) Q2. I creat...
# aws
(Second question in separate message) Q2. I created my EKS cluster with pulumi. It has an associated OICD provider. However, if I do
aws iam list-open-id-connect-providers
, I don’t see the provider that the EKS cluster is using. Why?
So the ODIC provider for EKS is only the endpoint, you need to create the IAM provider for the ODIC endpoint. With that you'll need to grab the root CA thumbprint.
you need to create the IAM provider for the ODIC endpoint.
Hmm.. do you have a pointer on how to do that? Ideally I can do everything with pulumi itself
Ive never needed to do that yet in Pulumi. I know its a pain in Terraform because of the Thumbprint of the root CA. https://www.pulumi.com/docs/reference/pkg/aws/iam/openidconnectprovider/
Then on your roles for K8 to assume through the ODIC you federate with the ODIC provider to allow access.
This walks through the entire process with Terraform, so the steps you'd just reproduce with your language https://medium.com/@marcincuber/amazon-eks-with-oidc-provider-iam-roles-for-kubernetes-services-accounts-59015d15cb0c