i'm having some issues deleting buckets with versi...
# aws
i'm having some issues deleting buckets with versioning turned on, anyone know why this might be the case? pulumi doesn't seem to delete any of the content, i have to delete it all manually before running
pulumi destroy
, otherwise it just hangs forever.
There is a forceDestroy param that you can set as part of the bucket - you will need to apply that parameter first and then you can run a destroy
nah, that's not it, it will bail out saying the bucket is not empty if that's the case.
if i want to destroy something with content, i export the stack, edit
to be
, then re-import, and then run the destroy
You can't delete a bucket with versioning turned on: https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/delete-bucket-s3-console-cli/ you can only suspend the bucket.
@bitter-dentist-28132 that's what I was saying - you need to apply that parameter first so that it is part of the state - THEN you can run the deploy
@broad-dog-22463 yup, as i said, that's exactly what i did, that's not the issue. @cool-fireman-90027 ah i see, i guess the implication is that pulumi doesn't empty the bucket before attempting to delete it?
if i completely empty the bucket using the console, i can then delete the bucket through pulumi, so i imagine that's it.
@cool-fireman-90027 from the page you linked, i get the sense the requests to aws should fail (rather than hang forever) -- do you know if that is indeed the case?
@bitter-dentist-28132 I don't know if that is the expected behavior.
👍 1
@bitter-dentist-28132 this is a bug then - forceDestroy SHOULD delete all objects!
@broad-dog-22463 i've submitted https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/issues/1132