Hi All, I'm doing some work with the Aurora MySQL ...
# aws
Hi All, I'm doing some work with the Aurora MySQL global database and I'm having a problem with the engine version. Does anyone know if there is a reference list of the versions that are supported. If I use no version it comes up under MySQL 5.6. I've tried a few of the 5.7 versions that work in the AWS console and I get a failure back.
can you share the code you currently have?
Sure -
This works but is MySQL 5.6:
const example = new aws.rds.GlobalCluster("example", {globalClusterIdentifier: "example"}, {
  provider: primary,
const primaryCluster = new aws.rds.Cluster("primaryCluster", {
  engineMode: "global",
  globalClusterIdentifier: example.id,
}, {
  provider: primary,
const primaryClusterInstance = new aws.rds.ClusterInstance("primaryClusterInstance", {
  instanceClass: "db.r4.large",
  clusterIdentifier: primaryCluster.id
}, {
  provider: primary,
//Add engine version -- Snap! Breaks: const example = new aws.rds.GlobalCluster( _  "ocat-gdb-pu-todd",_  {    globalClusterIdentifier: "ocat-gdb-pu-todd"_,_    engine: "aurora-mysql"_,_    engineVersion: "5.7.mysql_aurora.2.07.2"_,_  },  {    provider: primary,  } _)_; const primaryCluster = new aws.rds.Cluster( _  "primaryCluster",_  {    engineMode: "global"_,_    globalClusterIdentifier: example.id,    masterUsername: "clusteradmin"_,_    masterPassword: "clusteradmin"_,_    clusterIdentifier: "ocat-aurora-gdb-cluster-pu"_,_    databaseName: "CALSAWS_OCAT"_,_    engine: "aurora-mysql"_,_    engineVersion: "5.7.mysql_aurora.2.07.2"_,_  }, I've tried versions 5.7 - 2.07 through 2.09 which is pretty new.
Yep. I'll take a look at the doc and do a couple of tests. Thanks.
Here's the pattern I see for the aurora engine files: // No Aurora engineVersion results in // MySQL version 5.6.mysql_aurora.1.22.2 // <mysql-major-version>.mysql_aurora.<aurora-mysql-version> // Versions: // 5.7.mysql_aurora.2.03.2 // 5.6.mysql_aurora.1.19.0 And, code like this fails: const example = new aws.rds.GlobalCluster( "ocat-gdb-7", { globalClusterIdentifier: "ocat-gdb-7" }, { provider: primary, } ); const primaryCluster = new aws.rds.Cluster( "primaryCluster", { engineMode: "global", globalClusterIdentifier: example.id, masterUsername: "clusteradmin", masterPassword: "clusteradmin", clusterIdentifier: "ocat-gdb-7-aurora", databaseName: "mydb", // engine: "aurora-mysql", engineVersion: "5.7.mysql_aurora.2.08.1", //failed }, { provider: primary, } ); View Live: https://app.pulumi.com/tfeather/global-db-7/dev/updates/4 Type Name Status Info pulumipulumiStack global-db-7-dev failed 1 error + └─ awsrdsCluster primaryCluster creating failed 1 error Diagnostics: awsrdsCluster (primaryCluster): error: 1 error occurred: *
error creating RDS cluster: InvalidParameterValue: The requested engine version was not found or does not support global functionality
status code: 400, request id: 412ad457-29b5-4f2b-ae5e-d0c44d88d7cf
pulumipulumiStack (global-db-7-dev): error: update failed Resources: 4 unchanged Duration: 3s And, the AWS Console says this and many other versions are available (and indeed those work from the console): Provisioned with global database global_10a, 2.07.0 (Global compatible), 2.07.1 (Global compatible), 2.07.2 (Global compatible), 2.08.0 (Global compatible), 2.08.1 (Global compatible), 2.08.2 (Global compatible), 2.09.0 (Global compatible), 1.22.0 (Global compatible), 1.22.1 (Global compatible), (Global compatible), 1.22.2 (Global compatible), 1.23.0 (Global compatible)
The error is coming from the AWS API though. I think you need to specify both engine and engineVersion?
I can try that again. If I just include the engine version to override the default it is using, the aurora cluster says it cannot find the aurora version, so I may do a couple of non-global runs with just the clusters and instances.