QQ: I am constantly getting my flow log replaced o...
# aws
QQ: I am constantly getting my flow log replaced on every
pulumi up
. The resulting diff is:
~ logDestination: "arn:aws:logs:us-east-1:ACCTNUMBER:log-group:kstream-vpc-dev" => "arn:aws:logs:us-east-1:ACCTNUMBER:log-group:kstream-vpc-dev:*"
As you can see, it keeps trying to add the
at the end. The AWS console shows that the ARN DOES have the
The code I’m using is:
Copy code
const flowLog = new aws.ec2.FlowLog("vpc-flow-log-" + pulumi.getStack(), {
    iamRoleArn: config.require("FLOW_LOG_ARN"),
    logDestination: logGroup.arn,
    trafficType: "ALL",
    vpcId: vpc.id,
    tags: {
        Name: "VPC Flow Logs for " + name
}, {deleteBeforeReplace: true})
Current package.json dependencies:
Copy code
"dependencies": {
    "@pulumi/aws": "^3.5.0",
    "@pulumi/awsx": "^0.22.0",
    "@pulumi/docker": "^2.3.0",
    "@pulumi/pulumi": "^2.10.2"
Any thoughts on correcting this behavior or preventing Pulumi from trying to replace the flow log every time? p.s. I had to put
pulumi up
would not fail every time.