guys, would it be fair to say that the 'crosswalk'...
# aws
guys, would it be fair to say that the 'crosswalk' stuff is essentially an 'opinionated' version of some of the pulumi APIs?
Yep, that's a good way to put it. Another way to think of it is proving a friendlier interface (abstraction) to some of the more complex services and resources.
ok yep that's also a good way to think of it! thanks for that... i have been using the .net SDK for now but I'm weighing up the benefits of the crosswalk stuff and a potential switch to typescript (since crosswalk is not available for .net)
Which Crosswalk specifically are you interested in? AWSX or EKS?
I use the AWSX stuff in typescript, and I think in most cases you're more likely to get benefit by starting with AWSX, then occasionally migrating bits out of that, as you need more control and configuration.
If you think you might benefit from some of the logic in those packages, it might be worth copying the logic to your own code. Migrating AWS packages to AWSX hasn't proven beneficial to me yet; starting with AWSX has been a real time-saver.