Has anyone got this kind of issue while creating e...
# aws
Has anyone got this kind of issue while creating eks nodegroup using pulumi-eks module ?
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Type                             Name                                                Status                  Info
     pulumi:pulumi:Stack              test01-eks_cluster                                **failed**              2 errors; 65 messages
     ├─ eks:index:Cluster             custom-pulumi-test-eks-cluster-01
     │  └─ aws:eks:Cluster            custom-pulumi-test-eks-cluster-01-eksCluster
 +   ├─ eks:index:NodeGroup           eks-nodegroup-01                                    created
 +   │  ├─ eks:index:RandomSuffix     eks-nodegroup-01-cfnStackName                       created
 +   │  ├─ aws:ec2:SecurityGroup      eks-nodegroup-01-nodeSecurityGroup                  created
 +   │  ├─ aws:ec2:SecurityGroupRule  eks-nodegroup-01-eksExtApiServerClusterIngressRule  **creating failed**     1 error
 +   │  ├─ aws:ec2:SecurityGroupRule  eks-nodegroup-01-eksNodeInternetEgressRule          created
 +   │  └─ aws:ec2:SecurityGroupRule  eks-nodegroup-01-eksNodeIngressRule                 created
     └─ aws:ec2:SecurityGroupRule     eks-nodegroup-01-eksClusterIngressRule              **failed**              1 error

  aws:ec2:SecurityGroupRule (eks-nodegroup-01-eksClusterIngressRule):
    error: aws:ec2/securityGroupRule:SecurityGroupRule resource 'eks-nodegroup-01-eksClusterIngressRule' has a problem: Required attribute is not set. Examine values at 'SecurityGroupRule.SecurityGroupId'.
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import pulumi_eks as eks
eks_nodegroup = eks.NodeGroup("eks-nodegroup-01",