I'm struggling to import an EKS cluster, I get the...
# aws
I'm struggling to import an EKS cluster, I get the following error:
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aws:eks:Cluster (jobilla-eks-ci):
    error: aws:eks/cluster:Cluster resource 'jobilla-eks-ci' has a problem: Computed attributes cannot be set: Computed attributes cannot be set, but a value was set for "vpc_config.0.vpc_id".. Examine values at 'Cluster.VpcConfig.VpcId'.
    error: aws:eks/cluster:Cluster resource 'jobilla-eks-ci' has a problem: Computed attributes cannot be set: Computed attributes cannot be set, but a value was set for "vpc_config.0.cluster_security_group_id".. Examine values at 'Cluster.VpcConfig.ClusterSecurityGroupId'.
    error: Preview failed: one or more inputs failed to validate