Hi!!! I currently have a ECS cluster with several ...
# aws
Hi!!! I currently have a ECS cluster with several services running on it smoothly thanks to pulumi. The load balancer URL that we are getting is a
any idea how to change that to a
it is the listener specification
Copy code
const listener = lbx.createListener(`api-web-${stack}`, {
  protocol: 'HTTPS',
  targetGroup: tgx,
  vpc: vpc,
  certificateArn: certificateValidation.certificateArn
you might need to do some more work to use an appropriate certificate
It might be a wise idea to provide redirection for the HTTP requests over to HTTPS. Here is some more info in case that is relevant for you: https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/elb-redirect-http-to-https-using-alb/