``` warning: getEventhubNamespace is deprecated...
# azure
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warning: getEventhubNamespace is deprecated: azure.getEventhubNamespace has been deprecated in favour of azure.getNamespace
    warning: getEventhubNamespace is deprecated: azure.getEventhubNamespace has been deprecated in favour of azure.getNamespace
    warning: UserAssignedIdentity is deprecated: azure.UserAssignedIdentity has been deprecated in favour of azure.UserAssignedIdentity
    warning: Assignment is deprecated: azure.Assignment has been deprecated in favour of azure.Assignment
    warning: Assignment is deprecated: azure.Assignment has been deprecated in favour of azure.Assignment
    warning: Assignment is deprecated: azure.Assignment has been deprecated in favour of azure.Assignment
any ideas why this has just started, also that first one about eventhubnamespace seems peculiar
Hi, we actually rolled deprecation notices for packages that had already been deprecated - can you share your code (without any . secret data) including the imports and I can tell you why you are getting it?
We’ll improve the message soon https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/4520
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"@pulumi/azure": "^3.3.0",
        "@pulumi/azuread": "^2.1.0",
        "@pulumi/kubernetes": "^2.0.0",
        "@pulumi/pulumi": "^2.1.0",
        "@pulumi/random": "^2.1.0",
@broad-dog-22463 i think these are all the latest?
I'm using typescript not .net @tall-librarian-49374
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warning: Assignment is deprecated: azure.Assignment has been deprecated in favour of azure.Assignment
warning: Assignment is deprecated: azure.Assignment has been deprecated in favour of azure.Assignment
ah, sorry. I guess we need an issue for TypeScript too… or add it to the existing one
presumably in this instance it means role.Assignment has been replaced by authorization.Assignment
but is there any guidance on how to change over without it deleting/replacing them
@broad-dog-22463 Aren’t we supposed to add type aliases to make such migrations smooth?
Aliases should already be in place - according to the bridge code
ah great thanks
@better-rainbow-14549 can you export the stack and have a look at whether there are aliases in your resources?
it's kind of complicated as we have 2 layers of internal npm packages we use to manage resources
but if it's all automatic i think it will be ok
one thing i've noticed is there isnt a deprecation notice on new azure.eventhub.EventHubNamespace() but there is on azure.eventhub.getEventHubNamespace