<#CRVK66N5U|azure> I'm creating resources using Pu...
# azure
#azure I'm creating resources using Pulumi in Azure. I then have to pass information as a consequence of those resources back into Azure. An example is creating an Sql Database in Azure and then adding an administration group to it. The resource is stood up via Pulumi and I have an Azure Cli script that can perform the administrator group addition. However I need to update the Azure Cli scrip to include the ResourceGroupName and SqlServerName to the script. Basically I need a way to get those values back from pulumi so I can feed them into the script. Does anyone know the best way to get that information from Pulumi?
I’m not well versed in this use-case, but are you sure you can’t add the admin group via a Pulumi resource? I see this resource in the “classic” Azure provider: https://www.pulumi.com/docs/reference/pkg/azure/sql/activedirectoryadministrator/ The Azure Nextgen provider sql module (https://www.pulumi.com/docs/reference/pkg/azure-nextgen/sql/) has a ServerAzureADAdministrator resource (https://www.pulumi.com/docs/reference/pkg/azure-nextgen/sql/serverazureadadministrator/)
oooh, this is good input thank you very much. I'll have to read through it!
Why does the Microsoft.Sql/servers/administrators object map to ServerAzureADAdministrator instead of
@tall-needle-56640 we base it off operation IDs in open API specs which are the most reliable source of identification information. Azure SDK calls it the same https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/blob/master/sdk/sqlmanagement/Azure.Res[…]ager.Sql/src/Generated/ServerAzureADAdministratorsOperations.cs
Oh OK. Thanks.