I'm probably too tired to think straight at this p...
# azure
I'm probably too tired to think straight at this point - but now I've gotten to the AKS stage, and I decided that I really wanted to add diskEncryption through a diskEncryptionSet. So.. ugh.. it'll be easier to read the code rather than me explaining it:
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const diskKey = new azure.keyvault.Key("aks-des-key",{
        keyName: "aks-des-key",
        properties: {
            kty: "RSA"
        resourceGroupName: aksStack.parameters.name,
        vaultName: aksStack.keyVault.parameters.name
    const diskEncryption = new azure.compute.DiskEncryptionSet("aks-des", {
        resourceGroupName: aksStack.parameters.name,
        location: aksStack.parameters.location,
        activeKey: {
            keyUrl: diskKey.keyUriWithVersion
        diskEncryptionSetName: "aks-des",
        encryptionType: "EncryptionAtRestWithCustomerKey",
        identity: {
            type: "SystemAssigned"
So this is all fine - and in my AKS config I have `diskEncryptionSetID: diskEncryption.id,`which is also fine (I guess). But now, almost obviously, I'm getting:
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Unable to access key vault resource 'https://(mykeyvaulthere).<http://vault.azure.net/keys/aks-des-key/31333607ad2b4cb3adfbcbbdd76a395d|vault.azure.net/keys/aks-des-key/31333607ad2b4cb3adfbcbbdd76a395d>' to enable encryption at rest. Please grant get, wrap and unwrap key permissions to disk encryption set 'aks-des'. Please visit <https://aka.ms/keyvaultaccessssecmk> for more information.
So I decide that I really should set up authorization for diskEncryption to access the diskKey. Note: I created my keyVault with
enableRbacAuthorization: true,
. So here goes:
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const diskEncryptionRoleAssignment = new azure.authorization.RoleAssignment("des-to-kv", {
        scope: aksStack.keyVault.parameters.id,
        roleDefinitionId: "Reader",
        principalId: diskEncryption.identity // <--- should in not be able to access the principalid from diskEncryption somehow?!
I am absolutely a noob at this - not even sure I'm granting the right thing to the right stuff for any reason really, but I do know that if I want to use RoleAssignement for anything where I use SystemAssigned identity, I need to be able to reference it as expected.. From the Supporting Types of DiskEncryptionSet - EncryptionSetIdentity has the
which I defined, but then EncryptionSetIdentityResponse has `principalId`and `tenantId`in addition - which I want.. but the outputs of DiskEncryptionSet say nothing about those fields! How.. do I access them? Nevermind if I'm even on the right track..
Looking at this blog post (https://www.pulumi.com/blog/get-up-and-running-with-azure-synapse-and-pulumi/) and the spec of synapse.Workspace - it's similar to the output spec of compute.DiskEncryptionSet and a lot of others in that the
field is not listed in the output (as it is an input), but is still accessible (because all inputs are), and has the same *IdentityResponse type - meaning that it should expose principalId and tenantId. The example uses the `workspace.identity.principalId`though as far as I can tell - typescript will go bananas at the thought of using it (as it does with me). Is this an issue with type declarations or something?
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Property 'principalId' does not exist on type 'Output<EncryptionSetIdentityResponse | undefined>'.
Considering it's sunday and all, and I don't expect Mikhail to be everywhere all at once - I'll open a github issue on this one as that error does seem to indicate a bug for me 😉
Once again Mikhail is sortof debugging this even in his absence - looking through existing issues, there's one related to RoleAssignmentName (https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-azure-native/issues/625) in which he links to a c# example where he uses random..
in that code - right below - he's using chained `.apply`'s to get the principalId out of the identity https://github.com/pulumi/examples/blob/2e9e18b36a9720dd0e691f2bfe883bbfd46bd512/azure-cs-synapse/MyStack.cs#L79
Yes, you need
. Responded in the issue.
so.. taking that c# and putting it into ts makes that line look like this for me:
principalId: diskEncryption.identity.apply(identity => identity?.principalId).apply(principalId => principalId ?? "<preview>")
Thanks Mikhail - closing issue and finally able to deal with real problems 😉