Just hit on something scary.. I realized that I ha...
# azure
Just hit on something scary.. I realized that I had a tag in yaml that was set as an int when it should be a string (was set as
ProjectNumber: 141206
but should have " to force it to string.. you'll see why..). So I noticed that it was set incorrectly - and I decided to just fix it by changing it back and applying the tag change..
Copy code
Updating (newthing):
     Type                                    Name                      Status                  Info
     pulumi:pulumi:Stack                     modularity-newthing       **failed**              1 error
 ~   └─ azure-native:network:VirtualNetwork  VnetName                  **updating failed**     [diff: ~tags]; 1 error

  pulumi:pulumi:Stack (modularity-newthing):
    error: update failed

  azure-native:network:VirtualNetwork (VnetName):
    error: Code="InUseSubnetCannotBeDeleted" Message="Subnet xxxx is in use by /subscriptions/yyyy/resourceGroups/rgName/providers/Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/appgwName/gatewayIPConfigurations/appGatewayIpConfig and cannot be deleted. In order to delete the subnet, delete all the resources within the subnet. See <http://aka.ms/deletesubnet|aka.ms/deletesubnet>." Details=[]
Edit: seems to be an instance of https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-azure-native/issues/611, setting
ignoreChanges: ['subnets']
of the vnet worked well for me.
that is friggin scary.. running a diff shows this:
Copy code
~ azure-native:network:VirtualNetwork: (update)
      ~ tags: {
          ~ ProjectNumber: 1.412601e+06 => "1412601"
so.. without showing in the diff or the preview in any way - it wants to delete a subnet?!
running a pulumi refresh then another pulumi up --diff shows that in order to update the tag it wants to destroy all my subnets. haven't changed anything but the tag.. regardless, it's scary that
attempts to delete things that
doesn't communicate that it plans on doing
The original run:
Copy code
λ pulumi up -y --suppress-outputs
Previewing update (newthing):
     Type                                             Name                      Plan       Info
 ~   ├─ azure-native:resources:ResourceGroup           (name goes here)         update     [diff: ~tags]
 ~   ├─ azure-native:keyvault:Vault                    (name goes here)         update     [diff: ~tags]
 ~   ├─ azure-native:containerregistry:Registry        (name goes here)         update     [diff: ~tags]
 ~   ├─ azure-native:network:NetworkSecurityGroup      (name goes here)         update     [diff: ~tags]
 ~   ├─ azure-native:network:VirtualNetwork            (name goes here)         update     [diff: ~tags]
 ~   ├─ azure-native:network:NetworkSecurityGroup      (name goes here)         update     [diff: ~tags]
 ~   ├─ azure-native:network:NetworkSecurityGroup      (name goes here)         update     [diff: ~tags]
 ~   ├─ azure-native:compute:DiskEncryptionSet         (name goes here)         update     [diff: ~tags]
 ~   ├─ azure-native:network:ApplicationGateway        (name goes here)         update     [diff: ~tags]
 ~   ├─ azure-native:authorization:RoleAssignment      (name goes here)         update     [diff: ~principalId]
 +   ├─ azure-native:containerservice:ManagedCluster   (name goes here)         create
 +   ├─ azure-native:containerservice:AgentPool        (name goes here)         create
 +   ├─ azure-native:containerservice:AgentPool        (name goes here)         create
 +   └─ azure-native:containerservice:AgentPool        (name goes here)         create
Subnets that are being deleted are not resources, they are properties of vnet, that’s why you don’t see them in preview
right - so ignore changes it is then.