<@UMP2PT80L> <@U01QXTBTKAA> Later today (or tomorr...
# multi-language-hackathon
@elegant-window-55250 @gorgeous-waitress-60098 Later today (or tomorrow, depending on timezones), would you be open to spending a half-hour with me talking through your experience writing Pulumi Packages and multi-language components? I’d love to hear what worked well, where you got stuck or had questions, and if you have any particular workflows you’d like to see us improve.
I'm free to talk through it now and through the remainder of the day -- I'm also having some difficulties building, so I'll have questions too!
Sorry, clicked away from this Slack and missed your quick reply. Free at 2:30 Pacific?
Yes, see you then @flaky-ghost-73674
🙏 1
Alrighty! Free whenever you are (but no rush - will just hang out): https://pulumi.zoom.us/j/2819546941?pwd=Umd3MmVORmE5OGdtL0JMazNDT1N6UT09
I'm off to bed now, I have some time tomorrow Alex :)