Hi pulumi folks, I just discovered pulumi. Also si...
# getting-started
Hi pulumi folks, I just discovered pulumi. Also signed up for pulumiUP! event 🙌 I recently figured out how to use ansible on a control node on digitalocean and from that one configure another digitalocean server node. My use case is: 1. i setup a web app that allows users to oauth connect their digitalocean credentials to my webapp 2. then they can press a button to spin up a new instance in their DO account and with all the configuration and software installed. My original plan was: 1. use an open source python-digitalocean library to call DO public API to spin up the instance under the user’s account 2. then use the ansible control node (which belongs to my service and account) to configure the basic software on that new instance With the discovery of pulumi, what can I use it to replace in my original plan? I suppose the open source python-digitalocean library calling DO public API can be replaced by pulumi. What about ansible? do i still need that?
then they can press a button to spin up a new instance in their DO account and with all the configuration and software installed.
I think the Pulumi Automation API (C# version fore xample (https://www.pulumi.com/blog/automation-api-dotnet/)) could help with this, it can be used for managing Pulumi projects, basically it wraps the
CLI in a software library for each of Pulumi's supported language. You define the Pulumi
yourself with the necessary DO resources, then make the stacks configurable using pulumis configuration. Use the automation API in your API Endpoint to manage stacks (update, destroy). I know the DigitalOcean provider can be used with setting
variable in the Pulumi config, setting the variable as
ensures the variable is encrypted so it can be stored safely.
Maybe for example using the username or something as the Pulumi stack name, or some other user related field. The automation API allows you to select the name of the stack you are working with, so in your API endpoint you just need to get the current user to manage their Pulumi stack.
Thank you, @prehistoric-coat-10166 Is tehre a python equivalent of the automation API?