Hi! I'm quite new to pulumi and am trying to creat...
# getting-started
Hi! I'm quite new to pulumi and am trying to create a virtual wan with some hubs and vnets peered to the hubs. Unfortunately I'm struggling with connecting the vnets to the hubs (With the azure-native package). Can anybody give me a hint? The API reference did not... Thanks!
What sort of problems are you running into? I’m not all that familiar with virtual wans in Azure, but the network module (https://www.pulumi.com/docs/reference/pkg/azure-native/network/) includes the virtualwan and virtualhub and other related resources.
I know the two resources are there, also the VirtualNetworkPeering. The thing I did not find out is how to link the Vnet to the VHub. The virtual hub and the vnet are properly created and in the Azure portal I would now connect the vnet to the vhub.
I just might have found it. There is another resource called "HubVirtualNetworkConnection", this might be it, I still need to test. But I have to say, that the naming is a bit unlucky as everything else (unless there's another one I missed) related to VirtualWans is called "Virtual..." But not the HubVirtualNetworkConnection. In my opinion, this class should have been called "VirtualHubVirtualNetworkConnection" to be consistent. (I see that there are a lot "virtual" in this name, but I did not invent the underlaying resources' names...)
Yeah, since the Azure-native provider is based on the ARM APIs, the naming follows that structure which can be a bit obtuse at times.