Hi everyone, I have a question about project/stack...
# getting-started
Hi everyone, I have a question about project/stack organization. Lets say I have 4 distinct deployments of a specific project (US-prod, EU-prod, US-staging, and US-test) and infrastructure changes may happen and stay on test or staging for some time before being deployed to either of the prod systems. Is this something that stacks can handle well, (this kind of elongated divergence) or would we solve this problem with stacks plus something like git branches to keep things separated until we’re happy to merge the changes into prod. Anyone have best practices for me? Thanks!
There is a use page on organising your projects and stacks in the docs, including ways to align it with your git repos.
Thanks, I think i found my answer in https://www.pulumi.com/docs/guides/continuous-delivery/