Hello - I'm very new to Pulumi, and am playing aro...
# getting-started
Hello - I'm very new to Pulumi, and am playing around with creating an AWS ECS cluster. I've got stuck with trying to configure the application load balancer. I want to define a rule that checks the request host header, so only a specific domain name routes to a given fargate service. The listener action args wants a
but I can't see what to pass in there. I'm using AWS crosswalk - is that limited in terms of what I can configure? Can anyone point me to docs/tutorials on more complex load balancer config please?
can you share the code you currently have?
I managed to solve it. I had this:
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const targetGroup = lb.createTargetGroup("seq-target-group", { port: 80 });
but didn't notice that I can get the ARN via:
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I guess the object returned by createTargetGroup is a kind of wrapper?