Hi, I created a Project and a Stack. Locally, I'm ...
# getting-started
Hi, I created a Project and a Stack. Locally, I'm able to successfully run a
pulumi up
, but when I try to run the same Stack in an Azure DevOps pipeline, it fails with this message:
error: getting secrets manager: passphrase must be set with PULUMI_CONFIG_PASSPHRASE or PULUMI_CONFIG_PASSPHRASE_FILE environment variables
The walkthrough mentions nothing about that and also adding that variable with an arbitrary value doesn't have any effect. Any clues?
adding that variable with an arbitrary value doesn't have any effect.
You mean that even if
is defined
pulumi up
throws that error?
Yeah, but given that it was a secret variable in my pipeline, I had to explicit map it to an environment variable. Forgot to do that in my YAML. It's fixed. Thanks for asking the right question. ;-)
👍 1