Hey everyone! I'm considering multi-cloud tools f...
# getting-started
Hey everyone! I'm considering multi-cloud tools for an Electron app I'm developing which needs to facilitate users setting up cloud VM's through a GUI. I was considering Terraform but I don't want to have to bundle another binary in my app. It looks like Pulumi acts as a library, will it work for what I'm trying to do?
You'll still need to have the Pulumi CLI on your machine
Ahh that's what I was worried about. I really need a library that can act as a sort of multi cloud client
without needing a CLI since I'm distributing this to end users with variable levels of technical skill
Isn’t it possible to include the binary inside your election app?
It is, but I was really hoping to avoid it. There are some barriers atm but I'm hoping to keep the possibility of transitioning to a web app in the future
So then I'd have to write and maintain an API server front end to the Pulumi CLI if I understand correctly
Pulumi has the automation API, weve already donemost of the hard work for you 😀 you just need to make sure the cli is present in your PATH
Am I reading correctly that with this setup I just need the Pulumi to build the app but don't need to bundle it with the binary? Or will I still need to bundle it
I'm also confused what
means here
ahh no so that example deploys an app with Pulumi, it doesn't deploy an app which uses Pulumi
Can you explain a bit more what you’re trying to do? I’m 95% sure Pulumi supports your use case as we have lots of companies doing this
Here’s an example electron app https://github.com/cnunciato/pulumitron
I work on an app which lets users set up proxy servers on cloud infrastructure to use as a personal VPN
Currently there are a lot of manual steps for most cloud providers, and we're exploring ways that we can automate the process for multiple providers and make it easy to expand our list of available providers
we can absolutely help there I suspect, certainly at the infrastructure layer
if you'd like to chat about it, we can jump on a zoom call, might be easier to answer questions - feel free to DM me