I'm trying to connect a Fargate container with an ...
# getting-started
I'm trying to connect a Fargate container with an EFS filesystem. I've tried a setup very similar to this AWS Lambda with EFS example, but after having solved an (apparently new) requirement of transit encryption in the efsVolumeConfiguration, the task fails to build with:
Copy code
ResourceInitializationError: failed to invoke EFS utils commands to set up EFS volumes: stderr: b'mount.nfs4: Connection reset by peer' : unsuccessful EFS utils command execution; code: 32
I googled, and some people suggested creating a security group with ingress on 2049/tcp, but this doesn't seem to fix the error. I've tried many setups, but no matter how I configure the VPC, targets or mount points, it doesn't seem to work. Any idea of what I could try?