Hi there. I'm working with aws-python, and I've su...
# getting-started
Hi there. I'm working with aws-python, and I've successfully created an EC2 instance. I now have put a loop around that logic, ensured that each object has a unique name, but I only get the first instance to verify upon pulumi up. Guidance would be appreciated. TIA.
can you share some code sample?
Sure, thanks for looking. With some redaction which may break it, if taken literally ...
Copy code
def create_instance(index):
    instance_name = "%s-%02d"%(core.get("instance_name"), index)
    <http://pulumi.info|pulumi.info>("Instance name: %s"%instance_name)

    builder = aws.ec2.Instance(instance_name,
                               ami = host_ami.id,
                               ebs_optimized = True,
                               instance_type = aws.ec2.InstanceType.T3A_MEDIUM,
                               key_name = "steven.webster.keypair",
                               root_block_device = {
                                   "volume_type": "gp2",
                                   "volume_size": 200,
                                   "delete_on_termination": True
                               vpc_security_group_ids = [security_group.id],
                               subnet_id = core_subnet_id,
                               tags = {
                                   "Name": instance_name,
                               user_data = user_data)                                                                                                                                      

instance_quantity = core.get("instance_quantity")
for index in range(1, instance_quantity):
    <http://pulumi.info|pulumi.info>("Making %s instances"%instance_quantity)
Output is
Copy code
  pulumi:pulumi:Stack (windows-builder-dev):
    Making 2 instances
    Instance name: core-gitlab-runner-docker-windows-01

Do you want to perform this update? no
that’s because your loop has only one iteration
you probably wanted to write:
Copy code
for index in range(0, instance_quantity)
yikes, thank you