quick question on aws crosswalk with vpc - is ther...
# getting-started
quick question on aws crosswalk with vpc - is there a way to specify not needing an elastic ip?
I think if you specify that you don't want a NAT gateway then it doesn't create one: https://www.pulumi.com/docs/guides/crosswalk/aws/vpc/#configuring-internet-and-nat-gateways-for-subnets-in-a-vpc
ty. I do need internet access for my ec2 instances in the private subnet - outbound. I thought that needed nat gateways (for instance to upgrade a system package - connection is initiated outbound). But I don't need any traffic to be initiated inbound and definitely do not need a fixed ip address - which I thought was the purpose of elastic ip. Is my understanding incorrect? How do I accomplish outbound traffic without an elastic ip?
you need an outbound address, you can't do it without either a NAT gateway or a NAT instance
if you don't have a fixed address, you can end up with round trip problems with your TCP packets
NAT gateway +1 - do i need an EIP?
the NAT Gateway gets an ip address, right? It is just that it won't be a fixed IP address. That is how i understand it -might be wrong
You create a public NAT gateway in a public subnet and must associate an elastic IP address with the NAT gateway at creation.
ok ty - had to go do some reading. appreciate the responses