New, first day user. Hacked up this, cause I could...
# getting-started
New, first day user. Hacked up this, cause I couldn't find DO/K8S example, see below. It says: "error: program failed: missing project name, exit status 1" I have connectivity through 'doctl', and I have a DO-Project matching
what am I missing?? Thank you
Copy code
package main

import (

func main() {
	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
		// Create an EKS cluster with the default configuration.

		cluster, err := digitalocean.NewKubernetesCluster(ctx, "Demos", nil)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		// Export the cluster's kubeconfig.
		ctx.Export("kubeconfig", cluster.KubeConfigs.Index(<http://pulumi.Int|pulumi.Int>(0)))
		return nil
Do you have a pulumi project name? I’m not sure if that error is referencing a pulumi project or the DO projeect
@bored-table-20691 Thanks! I don't even know how to create a Pulumi project name, I just ripped off the AWS/EKS Pulmi example, which doesn't explain that parameter at all.
maybe I need to create a Pulumi account and attach to it somehow??
Well all had to walk before we could run! 😅
Do you have a Pulumi.yaml file from where you’re running this
@bored-table-20691 I'm kind of getting the big picture here. I just brew installed pulumi, now I'll sign up, then I'll connect the pulumi cli to my cloud-pulumi account, and I am off and running????
@astonishing-oyster-32419 generally yes - you’ll need to create a Pulumi project as well
I know nothing about DO specifically, but the AWS getting started guide will help with the basic steps:
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@astonishing-oyster-32419 you can usually avoid this error by creating your project with the Pulumi new command
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