@here Has anyone seen this bug, <https://github.c...
# getting-started
@here Has anyone seen this bug, https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/issues/1605? I am trying to import an ec2 instance but it fails due to ami parameter
Hi @modern-egg-24060 side note. Have you tried to do
? https://www.pulumi.com/docs/reference/pkg/aws/ec2/getinstance/
No, we haven't but we will just as soon as I get back to the office
👍 1
I think this is not the same as the import, or at least we haven't found how to generate from the instance it gets all the resources the import would give us
another question, how would you install software in an ec2 instance?
With AWS, you still have the simple option to use the e2 user-data to inject a script that will be executed on the first boot. For more complex scenarios, we usually recommend using Puppet or Chef.
is there any planning about a book or something more explicit. The documentation takes us into an experimentation path that we would like to skip and better learn the way to use this tool