anyone know how to remove a stack output from an o...
# getting-started
anyone know how to remove a stack output from an old resource? I was working through some code and added a bucket a while back that got removed from the stack but somehow after running “pulumi up” I still get the output listed even thought the resource is no longer there. I can’t delete it from the stack as it does not have a urn. I could edit the state file to remove it, but I’d like to do that through a pulumi command (if possible)
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➜ pulumi up -y
Previewing update (dai-shared-dev-us-west-2):
     Type                 Name                                 Plan     
    7 unchanged

Updating (...):
   Type  Name  Status     
  - bucket_name: "my-bucket-57931f5" <- ##### HOW TO REMOVE THIS?

    7 unchanged

Duration: 1s
The statefile has this, I could easily remove it
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  "urn": "<redacted>",
  "custom": false,
  "type": "pulumi:pulumi:Stack",
  "outputs": {
    "bucket_name": "my-bucket-57931f5"