Hey! Is it possible to register custom output? E.g...
# getting-started
Hey! Is it possible to register custom output? E.g I have
and would like to register it with custom name, so that it can be reused on the next run.
sorry, having a hard time understanding, can you show some psuedo code that might help?
Say I have
const someString = "abc"
and would like to register it as custom resource, e.g Type: custom, Name: some-string, and it will hold that value "abc" and would be visible in Resources tab, as: Properties -> Name : Value in the console.
hmm not familiar with this I'm afraid, hopefully someone else can weight in
👍 1
In Python I export an output and then refer to it in another stack using:
Copy code
pulumi.export('someString', pulumi.Output('abc'))
I can't think of a good reason to put a string in an output and refer to it in the same stack