Hi all! I've just started with Pulumi and the tria...
# getting-started
Hi all! I've just started with Pulumi and the trial version as we currently have approx 3-400 resources in Cloudformation and I'm trying out something new. I've just started with the index file, but wondering as I couldn't find any help anywhere, if there are best practices for splitting the resources into different files / folder structure? Every example I've seen shows all resources in the index file but this is not manageable. How do others do this? Any help/ideas are much appreciated as I start the Pulumi journey!
Hey Jason! There's a couple options, but generally we recommend building ComponentResources which you can import: https://github.com/pulumi/examples/search?l=TypeScript&q=ComponentResource You can reuse these either locally, or from a package manager
🙌 1
Ahhh that looks great Jaxx thanks for the info. It seems very complex for what I need, i.e. just separating code so my index file is not 10,000 lines! What other ways are there, or is this really the best way?
you can also just use whatever mechanism your programming language would use for this, with functions and imports that way