Hi, Is it possible to create k8s resources from te...
# getting-started
Hi, Is it possible to create k8s resources from templated yaml files, with outputs of other pulumi resources as input? The basic flow I’m after is • create an aws resource • use one of the outputs to render a k8s yaml • apply the k8s resource to the cluster It seems I can’t use the
field of
yaml.ConfigGroupArgs (pulumi/pulumi-kubernetes/sdk/v3/go/kubernetes)
because it expects plain
, and I can’t use
as the docs state that
any values set on the state must be prompt (not Output values)
. The docs also state that I shouldn’t use
and create the k8s resource in the callback because it could lead to 
pulumi preview
 being wrong. Is there a solution other than using native k8s sdk resources instead of
? Thanks
thanks @great-breakfast-56601, I’m familiar with kustomize, but as far as I understand kustomizations are still “static” in nature. What I need is editing a k8s resource based on output of another aws resource. for example, a deployment that accepts the vpc cidr as a flag.
You can use the transformations, no?
I would need to use
inside the transformation. The transformation docs state
any values set on the state must be prompt (not Output values)
Well, we just hung the thread till we had the values we wanted. But we're getting rid of the transform in favour of this in the near term: https://fluxcd.io/docs/components/kustomize/kustomization/#variable-substitution
So we'll just spit out a secret this can consume.
What do you mean by
we just hung the thread till we had the values we wanted.
? How do you technically do that? and how does it affect the previews using
pulumi up
The flux variables approach is interesting, thanks
One downside is that your gitops repo is getting another step further from the actual resources deployed in the cluster
Copy code
while (Deployment.Instance.IsDryRun != true && string.IsNullOrEmpty(resourceGroupNameOutputValue))
Not heavily attentive to previews tbh
For me pulumi is about getting cloud resources up then handing over to flux.