Hello, I am trying to go through the Pulumi gettin...
# getting-started
Hello, I am trying to go through the Pulumi getting started, and I feel unbelievably dumb - I had an issue creating the "quickstart" project, so I want to start over, but now it says:
Copy code
Sorry, 'quickstart' is not a valid project name. A project with this name already exists.
and for the life of me I cannot figure out how to completely delete the local cli project. I even deleted the cache named quickstart in ~/.pulumi folder. Anyone?
Everywhere in the internet it shows how to delete and lists stacks not projects -- as a brand new user to pulumi but long-time developer, I find it strange that there is no
pulumi project ls
pulumi project rm
or something like that
you're using the local backends? ie you logged your state using
pulumi login --local
I think? I mean, literally I am 10 minutes in to "Create a New Projects"
Copy code
mkdir quickstart && cd quickstart
pulumi new aws-python
the first time I ran
pulumi new aws-python
it errored because I was missing
so I deleted the quickstart folder, installed the missing dependency, and try again. I haven't logged in, I just installed pulumi 15 minutes ago
can you show the output of
pulumi about
Copy code
$ pulumi about
Version      3.15.0
Go Version   go1.17.2
Go Compiler  gc

OS       ubuntu
Version  20.04
Arch     x86_64

Name     <http://pulumi.com|pulumi.com>
URL      <https://app.pulumi.com/gdhoffman>
User     gdhoffman

Pulumi locates its logs in /tmp by default
warning: Failed to get information about the plugin: no Pulumi.yaml project file found (searching upwards from /home/geoff/Pulumi/quickstart). If you have not created a project yet, use `pulumi new` to do so
warning: Failed to read project: no Pulumi.yaml project file found (searching upwards from /home/geoff/Pulumi/quickstart). If you have not created a project yet, use `pulumi new` to do so
warning: Failed to get information about the current stack: no Pulumi.yaml project file found (searching upwards from /home/geoff/Pulumi/quickstart). If you have not created a project yet, use `pulumi new` to do so
okay, you're storing your state in the pulumi console, you'll need to delete the quicstart project from there: https://app.pulumi.com/gdhoffman
login to that, and you'll see a bunch of projects, delete it from there and you'll be able to create a project called quickstart
OH! I was on my team page in app.pulumi.com and did not even realize the command creted something on the cloud, I had to switch to my personal page to see it
How do I delete it from there?
you'll need to delete all the stacks, can you show me a screenshot of the quickstart projecty?
literally nothing there
okay, click on
and then on the top right, you'll see "settings"
and there should be a delete button there
No delete button
you need to click "settings" next to resources
Delete Stack under Settings?
Got it!
Boy do I feel dumb
no reason to feel that way! it's easy if you know the answer 😄
you just learned a little about how the console, stacks and projects relate to each other too!
Everyone on the internet can rejoice knowing that someone actually managed to fail at step one
Thanks jaxxstorm
❤️ 1
its working as expected now