Anyone imported an EC2 resource with instance meta...
# getting-started
Anyone imported an EC2 resource with instance metadata (e.g. AWS:CloudFormation:Init scripts) and user data? I'm struggling with the import for 2 reasons: 1. Userdata: my user data allows flags that the data is different. In pulumi it seems to show as a hash of some sort but not sure how I'm supposed to generate that? 2. I have my instance in Cloudformation and the metadata options doesn't seem to be available in Pulumi e.g. Init, Authentication etc. (screeenshot 2)? Many thanks for help!!
@brave-nightfall-19158 i believe your userdata is base64 encoded on the remote side, you'll need to base64 encode it in your pulumi program
Hey @billowy-army-68599 thanks! I did think about that but the user data in the current ec2 is built with cloud formation and is store base64 encoded. But I also tried pulumi with a b64 encoded string and also got the same issue that the strings did not match. But the string pulumi is providing is not a base64 encoded string. Looks more like a crypto hash.
So 🤷🏼‍♂️
which provider are you importing with? the aws provider?
hrmm you might be best opening an issue for that I think
Ok thanks @billowy-army-68599 will do. Any ideas on the cloudformation metadata?