Hi All, I'm new to pulumi and are in the process o...
# getting-started
Hi All, I'm new to pulumi and are in the process of trying to set up an Azure DevOps pipeline (also new to pipelines) following this page https://www.pulumi.com/docs/guides/continuous-delivery/azure-devops/# My issue is that when I try to run the script part after I run a pulumi up command it result in the variables being "$(pulumi stack output ResourceGroupName) instead of the real name of the resource group, does anyone have any idea as to what I might be missing for this to work??
I think the syntax is
Copy code
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=sauce;isOutput=true]crushed tomatoes"
Thanks for your reply, might be the way to do it, just not how I understood their documentation in the link as that I do it is the same, and "pulumi stack output ResourceGroupName" is a valid pulumi command, at least it works in the terminal. So I just assume and hope there is a reason it is not working for me, as i really need to be able to get the different output from a pulumi up command in my pipleline
It might not be working how you have it because you’re missing the ‘##vso’