Hello! I am trying to setup a project to multiple ...
# getting-started
Hello! I am trying to setup a project to multiple environments in AWS. As I saw from previous discussions in the channel a good way to separate my projects for my specific case is to create one project for my AWS ECS Cluster and one for my Services that I am going to deploy into the Cluster. For my stacks though, I still struggle to understand how I am going to separate and configure properly the environments and their specific variables in the .yaml configuration files, since different environments have to be deployed in different AWS Accounts. Any help would be appreciated
hey there! what particularly are you struggling with?
Generally, it is hard for me to find a good reference guide / documentation with examples on these concepts
understood, we'll endeavour to try put one together soon
Thanks a lot!
+1 for this guide
been googling and finding my way around the web for a proper multiple AWS accounts setup (Including an Automation AWS account that will have my ECR, VPC peering, etc...)