I've used CDK before to set up self-mutating pipel...
# getting-started
I've used CDK before to set up self-mutating pipelines on AWS (example https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cdk/latest/guide/cdk_pipeline.html). Is it possible to do the same thing with Pulumi?
you'd need to define the code pipeline manually
👍 1
So I would have a pipeline stack on Pulumi in addition to my staging/production stacks?
I'm not familiar with codepipeline myself, but that sounds about right
Yes, CDK self mutating pipeline is just CodePipeline defined somewhere else. So you need a separate stack/project for CDP. I usually advise everyone to migrate away from AWS Code* tools unless it's absolutely necessary because they make things really complicated. The fact that it took almost a year for the CDK team to provide a CDK pipeline speaks for itself. CodePipeline being defined as code/configuration you have to maintain 2 states. 1) Pipeline itself 2) The actual infrastructure you are interested in deploying
I'm also considering migrating away. Thanks for the data point. I was able to set up a self-mutating pipeline in the end.
What are some hosted alternatives that aren't more expensive? I'm only using codepipeline and codebuild because everything else is on AWS.