Hello everyone! At my company we are evaluating Pu...
# getting-started
Hello everyone! At my company we are evaluating Pulumi to help us manage kubernetes infrastructure on multiple clouds. We are just starting out! One thing we are trying to get straight in our minds is the Project and Stack relationship and practices the community follow. From reading through the documentation, we want to create a project and then add stack’s to that project. I am curious and wondered if anyone would mind commenting on how they setup up and organise their
. We are using pulumi version v3.19.0 Thanks
I can’t quite grasp how to start out a project. Should we use
pulumi new
command but only generate a project. Then to add a stack
pulumi stack init
By default
pulumi new...
will create a project and ask you to create a single stack as well. If you'd like to add additional stacks to a project,
pulumi stack init...
is the command you'd use.
Thanks! I was hoping we could somehow use
pulumi new
to add more stacks as we would benefit from pulumis’ built in ability to install dependencies etc
A common use-case for setting up projects and stacks is to associate your Pulumi projects to an application and stacks to different environments. So say you had a 3 tier web-app called MyWebApp, the project would be
and your stacks could be associated to your different environments, like dev, test, stage, prod, etc.
Thanks, I am wondering how we would spin just the kubernetes infrastructure. In our minds we would have in a git repository a top level directory called clusters, which is also the project. Then we would have a number of sub directories which are the stacks e.g.
Copy code
├── eks-eu-01
└── eks-eu-02
Yeah, that's a useful pattern.
So far I tried
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pulumi new go --generate-only --name clusters --description 'Kubernetes clusters'
and then I setup the stacks
pulumi stack init --stack eks-eu-01
By default, stacks will be located in the same directory as the
file which tracks the project.
but they are basically empty and I don’t get the benefit of the buitin ability of the cli to setup the environment for the stack
By environment for the stack, do you mean configuration values?
yeah - so if we use python for our project, the stacks don’t get setup with a virtual env for example
does that make sense?
So if I run the following commands…
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pulumi new go --generate-only --name clusters --description 'Kubernetes clusters at <http://example.com|example.com>' --dir clusters
cd clusters
pulumi stack init --name eks-eu-01
I end up with this layout…
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├── Pulumi.yaml
├── eks-eu-01      <-- stack
├── go.mod     <- this seems redundant   
└── main.go    <- this too
In the above example the root stack seems not useful for our use case and the stack doesn’t contain anything
Which results in the desired stacks from the pulumi service
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pulumi stack ls
eks-eu-01  n/a          n/a             <https://app.pulumi.com/example/clusters/eks-eu-01>
I then want to add another stack so I run
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pulumi stack init --stack eks-eu-02
For those stacks I have to manually create the directory
mkdir eks-eu-02
It feels like I am not understanding the expected use of Projects and Stacks
I think I get this now. So in our use case a project contains a “program” that contains a resource, in our case an eks cluster. A stack is used to feed that program with specific and different configuration
@acceptable-notebook-17653 I'm happy to jump on a call with you to talk through this if it makes it easier to grok?
but I think you've come to the correct conclusion: • program - the Pulumi code that is run by the pulumi program • stack - a reusable instance of a Pulumi program with unique configuration. It exists within a project, and then can be many stacks • project - a grouping of a program, and one OR many stacks
you shouldn't have to create a new directory for each stack
👍 1
Thanks so much for the offer @billowy-army-68599, and for confirming I am on the right course now 👍. The penny finally dropped!