Hey guys First of all, I am enjoying Pulumi thank ...
# getting-started
Hey guys First of all, I am enjoying Pulumi thank you for that You guys made working with kuberenetes fun for me I have a issue. I think it's a race condition. So basically i have kuberenetes that has deployment and service for postgres, postgres-replication and pgpool. Each of the container have three service and three deployment On the ENV for the deployment i need to use serivce IP that will be created. But the issue is serice resource is stuck cause it's can't connect to any POD and deployment is not created cause it's waiting for service to complete to get the service IP Any direction towards a solution will be greatly appreciated Thank for you time and happy new year
<http://pulumi.com/skipAwait|pulumi.com/skipAwait>: "true"
as an annotation to the service