Coming from terraform with terragrunt environments...
# getting-started
Coming from terraform with terragrunt environments, I used to create many small components and as a result many state files. For example an AWS Lambda function would probably have 4-5 different state files one for each resource (IAM Role, ECR Repository, Lambda etc). I am now trying to migrate into Pulumi service and I want to have a better understanding of how pricing works. As I can see each stack contains some metadata resources like
. Does these resources count towards pricing? If so, having an equivalent structure as terragrunt with multiple Projects and stacks per application, it will cost me much more than using a single Project architecture.
hey there. yes, providers are a resource, so they are included in pricing.
each resource is a fraction of a cent, is there a concern around pricing?
I am only concerned about the approach I should take. I guess having too many small Projects for a single application is the wrong way of building things since provider resources will be counted many more times. A single resource does not cost much but if I build all of my applications inside my org with the approach I mentioned, it would probably cost me a lot more.
I generally recommend following this mechanism, keeping projects relatively small and composable and using stack references where required. It reduces the blast radius and makes things easier to control
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you can get about 250 resources free each month, so if you imagine 5 of those are your projects, it falls under that
Thanks a lot for your help
One more question. To be able to use stack references I guess I should name my stack with a unique name right? For example the full name for a project would be
instead of
stacks and projects need to be unique, the latter is unique, so would work absolutely fine
the default stack name is
- it works without issue
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