Hi I´m trying to setup custom domain for Azure App...
# getting-started
Hi I´m trying to setup custom domain for Azure AppService in C# and I´m having problems following these two resources here https://www.pulumi.com/blog/hosting-a-static-website-on-azure-with-pulumi/ and https://github.com/pulumi/examples/tree/master/classic-azure-ts-dynamicresource Both are using a super lengh CDNCustomDomainResource typescript class. I´m not supposed to convert that over to C# before setting this up? Or should I be using something like this https://www.pulumi.com/registry/packages/azure-native/api-docs/cdn/customdomain/ ? #lost!!
Like now I need a wildcard certificate. Do I buy it and set it up in the Azure portal and then reference it in Pulumi so it pulls it in? Is that the way, to mix and match or can you do everything through Pulmi? But I need to select a resource group and I´m still playing with dev setup so I should wait until the last possible moment when I have created production (and have a resource group) to buy it and then try to import it?
Ok sorry probably because this is a certificate I thought that I couldn´t move it to another resource group. I can (should be) but I just need to use it within this subscription thats all
Sorry for the delay getting back to you. Regarding the examples, the one you're specifically linking to is TypeScript, yes. You can use TypeScript to write your Pulumi program, or you can use C# (or Go or Python, too) to write your Pulumi program. For the connection between Pulumi and Azure, it doesn't matter which Pulumi-supported language you choose.
Let me see if I can find an example in C# if that's what you're more comfortable with. One sec Actually, the last link you provided is definitely where you should start, I think. Do you have questions using that specific call with those docs available?
Np problem! Good to have you here 😉 yes the long CDN… class I was unable to figure out how to use that. But I decided to but the cert and import it and am having another problem Id rather you looked at for me if you are familiar with this stuff
I'm not too familiar with Azure, but I can make an attempt.